Beginning in 2014, AABA embarked on a School and Orphanage Initiative to keep true to one of it’s many beliefs: giving back. Through this initiative AABA has worked to promote education and a healthy school environment by helping to provide necessary school supplies and equipment. A list of these items include, but are not limited to, computers for teachers and staff members, entertainment for children’s classrooms, and heating and cooling systems for schools and orphanages.
How are recipients chosen?
AABA carefully chooses the recipients to ensure that donations for the project go directly to the needs of the children. Every donation is confirmed via photographs and videos from the schools and orphanages.
Arthur, on his professor's left. Hotove, Permet, 1933
Arthur, directly centered (dressed in suit and tie) Boston, MA, 2012
In Memory of Arthur Chako (1925-2013) The driving force behind this project stems from the eternal inspiration that the late Arthur Chako, a Përmetar and AABA member, bestowed upon all those who met him. His deep appreciation and emphasis on the importance of education and on the simple joys of helping one another, especially fellow Albanians, resonates throughout the missions of the AABA today. I përjetshëm qoftë kujtimi i tij. "May his memory be eternal."